Psychological First Aid
A 3-hour workshop that trains community members in how to give practical support to those affected by a disaster, emergency, or pandemic. This workshop focuses on giving practical support in a way that respects the person’s dignity, culture, and abilities.
We offer three different versions of PFA to meet the needs of the community including peer-to-peer, general, and child, youth & Family.
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What Is Psychological First Aid (PFA)?
PFA is a way of helping people immediately after a disaster or emergency. PFA providers give practical support in a way that respects the person’s dignity, culture, and abilities. PFA providers must take care of their own well-being first so they can be helpful to others.

PFA Involves
- Offering practical care and support without forcing it on people.
- Helping people meet their basic needs (e.g. for food, water, information).
- Listening to people, but not pressuring them to talk.
- Comforting people and helping them feel calm.
- Connecting people to information, community services, and social supports.
- Protecting people from further immediate harm.
Who Is PFA For?
You can offer PFA to children, adolescents, parents, families, and adults who have been through a disaster or emergency. Not everyone will want or need help after a disaster. You can also give PFA to first responders and other disaster relief workers.

Who Can Provide PFA?
Anyone can provide PFA. PFA helps build the skills you need to provide support to anyone who is in need without having formal healthcare or mental health training.
What PFA Isn't
- It’s not something that only professionals can do.
- It’s not professional counselling or therapy.
- It’s not asking someone to analyse what happened to them or discuss the event in detail.
- It’s not pressuring anyone to talk to you.
- It’s not something that everybody will need or want.
PFA is not intended for people in emotional crisis or who may harm themselves or others. Refer the individual with the police or emergency room in this situation.

Book Today!
Phone: 780-539-6680
This workshop is available by request. Please contact us for more information or to request a workshop.